Back to (relative!) normality!
So, the latest show I've performed in, Kiss Me Kate, is over and life returns to relative normality for a while at least! It's been a tough few weeks but we've got through them and are stronger for it I think. There's all manner of things to concentrate on sorting out now, regarding FIL. I'm back at work on Monday so need to get my work head back on and I go into rehearsal Tuesday week for the show we're taking to our twin town in France in six weeks time. Miss E has her SATs at the beginning of May followed by a school trip to Normandy. I'm kicking back on art projects for a while, mainly ones that involve swapping with other folk, I just want to concetrate on some of my own stuff for a while, projects with less pressure, while we adjust to FIL's death and all that will mean for us. We also want to concentrate on the house again and get further along with that. So, just a wee update!
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