Wednesday, January 10, 2007


My piano teacher asked me today if I definitely wanted to be put in for my Grade 1 exam, which has to be done by the end of this week apparently, and I said "yes"! There's no going back now! Eeek! My exam will be towards the end of March so my resolution to practice for at least 20 minutes a day is even more important now!! I have to say, grade exams are jolly expensive and I do not want to waste that money or let myself (or my teacher) down by failing so it's nose to the grindstone now!

I watched You Are What You Eat last night and was pretty annoyed by some of it, so much so that I fired off an email to the Radio Times this evening, something I've never felt compelled to do before! I come across as a grumpy mare but what the heck, this year is about being proud of who I am and I had my say! Yay me! Which reminds me, I must write to the Devil's supermarket about their most recent misdemeanours!!


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